PERX is the official currency of PIXEL WORLD by Mr.Brian Design. This (ERC-20) token, on BASE is required to mint NFTs from the PIXEL WORLD collection. Mint PIXEL WORLD
Stake PIXEL WORLD NFTs to earn PERX. Each NFT staked earns one PERX. The more staked NFTs, the more PERX you can claim. The bonding curve below shows the halving mechanism based on volume of NFTs minted. As more are minted the PERX cost increases. PIXEL WORLD are also available to purchase with BASE on ETH, at our very own marketplace with 0% platform fees and 0% royalties.
LITTLE WORLD PFPFs are a micro PFP collection of 3D characters by Mr.Brian Design that exist if many formats including; educational media, video game avatars, as well as physical and digital collectibles. LITTLE WORLD PFPs are traded on polygon and / or ethereum blockchains.
By clicking ‘mint’ or interacting with any links on this website, you agree to our terms of service.